Infinite Intelligence

Where Science Meets Spirit and Translates into Soul-Igniting Success!


Attention: High Achievers…

Prime Your Mind and Unlock the Divine Millionaire Within You.

Faith, Freedom, and Fulfilment will be Yours When You Are Thinking Into Results™️ with Bob Proctor and Parul Malhotra.

Here's the problem…

You are successful but not financially free. You really want the millionaire lifestyle but you always feel guilty about wanting it. You are called to impact millions and you have assumed it's going to take a lot of work and a lot of time. And frankly, you haven't understood just how your vibration is causing all your results.  You may even be doing the inner work consistently but you haven’t made that connection yet between your own energy and the results in your life.

So you are successful, you know you are meant for more and you are a bit uninspired, you are feeling flat and jaded. You have assumed that is normal for you. What if you could set a 'new normal' for yourself? What if your flat mood turned into Divine self-confidence? Mediocrity was never your gig, you were always different, you always set high standards for yourself. So why settle right now?

You don't know what you don't know. Experts agree that people typically use no more than 10% of their true potential. That is YOU. You could be doing 10 times better even if you had no other external resources to bring to bear on your situation. Think about that.

It doesn’t have to be this way. ..

You can use the exact roadmap that took Bob Proctor from debt to over a million dollars in less than five years. You can learn from Bob and exponentially multiply your income and impact. You can be mentored by 500 of the world's most accomplished people. For the rest of your life.

Imagine what it would feel like to…

Wake up with your soul love in your dream home, living where the vibe soothes your soul.

Serve your dream clients, millions of them, who love, honor and respect you and happily pay you what you deserve.

Do what you love doing for the number of hours you choose to, in a week.

Always have time for your hobbies and passions.

Be serene within, emotionally detached from the drama happening around you.

Take powerful inspired action in your business and in your personal relationships, from that place of strength.

Be a forever student, with all the time and money freedom for you to invest in your spiritual, personal and professional growth.

Create your masterpiece of a business and your dream life.

Inspire others by your unique story and the legacy you have created.

Be YOU…the Divine Millionaire!

Client Success Story

"Full-spectrum life and success on my terms!”

case study

Introducing… A 24-Week Transformation Program

Thinking Into Results™️

Your mind is your most valuable asset

Currently, your mind is programmed for the level of income and success that you have enjoyed for some years.

Shifting that internal thermostat is the key to new habits, new choices and new results, unlocking your sales and profits in a big way.

This is the order .. the inner world shifts first, and the outer world follows. Quickly. 

You’ll learn to adjust that dial, following a 12-step process over 24 weeks of training with Bob, Sandy and I.

Look at it from another perspective…

…Science tells us that your mind is a powerful, automatic, goal-seeking machine. 

Within that machine is another machine, your self-image or the identity you are holding on to. 

All your results so far are in harmony with your image of yourself.

Shift the image, and exponentially improve your results.

So here’s how we will work together:

You’ll feed the destination into this inbuilt GPS that you have. That’s your exciting goal.

Next, you will sit in your car and start driving, learning to enjoy the ride. Meaning, you will start to take action on your plan. 

This is probably the hardest part… because we have been genetically and environmentally programmed with fear, worry, and self-doubt. 

We worry about failing, we worry about succeeding. We worry about other people’s opinions. 

And we assume the worst about ourselves, imagining the worst-case scenarios, and routinely overlook our wins. Isn’t that true? 

Over 24 weeks, Bob, Sandy and I will guide you to allow the GPS to do its job. 

You will learn to avoid these mental traps by shifting your self-image, playing to your strengths and developing your growth areas. You will learn to notice and avoid self-sabotage.

You will get to the root of why you are procrastinating and be very proud of yourself for taking action.

You will train yourself as a champion athlete, keeping your eye on the big picture and get into the habit of daily action, eliminating mental clutter, confusion and and overwhelm. 

Remember, growth does not get started until you do!

So many of us get paralyzed by “planning”. By getting “prepared” to grow. We tend to want to figure out the answer before we start working on the problem. 

That’s not how it works. Taking imperfect action and tweaking the plan as you go along is the way of the world’s most successful people. You will learn to be that “imperfect action taker”. Most of all, you will learn to suspend disbelief. You will stop obsessing about the 'how' and take quantum action with child-like enthusiasm, fully experiencing the bold experiment in living that you once embraced.

  • You will embrace the spotlight you had been avoiding before. 
  • You will end the self-sabotage: you will enjoy saying no to the people and situations you have allowed until now to waste your valuable time and energy. 
  • You will learn to tap into and receive magical guidance from the invisible forces of the Universe.  
  • You will attract and serve your new, high-value, dream clients with a new magnetic energy to you.
  • You will learn to trust your inner knowing, the nudges, and the hunches, to spot and seize opportunities in crises and avoid danger.   
  • You will dazzle yourself with your powerful insights, ideas, and solutions which you will draw from the Universal mind.
  • You will set for yourself powerful new habits of peak performers.
  • You will learn to earn 10 times more without working 10 times harder.
  • Your first or next million will come with much ease, grace, and flow… 

All because you learned to do some basic mental housecleaning, you rejected flawed assumptions, you chose to expect success and to doubt your limits.

Tapping your quantum energy will turn you into a powerful leader, who is financially free and authentically successful, who is also a modern-day mystic, who desires with detachment and allows your soul to powerfully express itself through your business or vocation.

You will become a conscious creator of your Destiny, the reason why you are here in the first place.

My whole life has changed in 6 months. Experience TIR. There is no other way to be. I am in alignment with who I am, resilient, productive, and re-connected with my purpose. Thanks, Parul, there's no going back now.

Saroj on her TIR experience

Get Ready for More Abundance, More Flow, More Impact

01. Six months of guided mentorship
08. Exclusive Client Bonus Content & Additional Resources
07. A Global Client Community
06. 1:1 Private Laser Coaching Sessions
02. 12 Digital Lessons with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher
03. Full Digital Participants Guide
04. LIVE Group Coaching Calls
05. LIVE Peak Performance Bonus Calls

Client Success Story

"I have the golden key to life!”

case study


Here's a fraction of what you get inside TIR with Parul

A 24-week Transformation Journey

A proven track to get you to confidence and success in every area of your life

Community Support

An opportunity to network with a group of driven, kind professionals who are sharing their unique perspectives and help support you as you are working to improve yourself and your business 

Tangible Resources

Tangible resources to help guide you through how to apply this unique system and process to every area of your life

Colin Scotland

Marketing Coach

Client Success Story

"High-performance toolkit for a 7 figure mindset”

case study

Listen to Chirag ⤵


Thinking into Results (TIR) is what brought Parul and I together. This program created by the late Bob Proctor, the leading expert in personal growth and human potential, is a game-changer.

Parul, you gave me a goal, you gave me a deadline and you gave me a number to complete. I never would’ve done that without you.

When working with you, you are my leader, my partner and you are a born teacher. I have gained such an awareness that I never had before, ideas and possibilities that I have actioned and am exploring for continued growth.

As a result, I am growing my business with more confidence now. I have opened a second income stream for myself. I am a lot more comfortable receiving money in exchange for the value I provide. I have overcome my nerves about being on video.

I am constantly thinking of how to add value to serve my existing clients better. I am being more intuitively guided (the book that you recommended to me has great value) and I am trusting my intuition more.

You continue to encourage me to think bigger, and even bigger than that. You have a gift to think outside the box and really explore new ideas that have inspired me to push through any barriers that come up.

I see breakthroughs, growth and confidence!!!

You and I are living proof that manifesting happens when we apply the principles of TIR and live in harmony with the Universal laws.

I highly recommend letting Parul guide you along your path of growth and awareness.


Peggy Heipel

Small business mentor and leader at Soul Connections and Personal Growth Through Awareness book clubs

Lesson 1

Worthy Ideal – Goal Setting and Achieving

You learn the importance of having goals that stretch you and inspire you. Other programs teach goal setting but don’t explain how to make goals that promote quantum leaps. With Thinking into Results, you will be encouraged to set goals that inspire you to draw upon your full potential.

Lesson 2

Knowing/Doing Gap

This is why most goals and New Year resolutions fail. You've learnt how to sell, but you aren't increasing your sales. You know not to smoke, but you can't quit. You know you ought to join the 5 am club, but you haven't been able to. You know what you need to do, but you aren't doing it. You will plug this Knowing/Doing gap. 

Lesson 3

Infinite Mind

Other programs only create a temporary improvement in your behavior because they do not change the root cause of that behavior, which is your paradigm (your habitual thought patterns and behaviors parked in your subconscious). You will take steps to replace your non-productive habits with productive habits, making you more efficient and productive in all areas of life.

Lesson 4

The Secret Genie

You will learn how your mind works. You will take a close look at your daily schedule, eliminate time-wasters and get laser-focused on your goal-achieving activities. This will help you break from past results and habitual behaviors to reach peak performance, using the Law of Attraction.

Lesson 5

Thinking Into Results

You have very powerful creative tools in your mental tool box which you haven't even begun using in a way that they serve you. Imagine you're a tree, calm and steady, in the middle of a storm. In this module, you'll learn how to control your emotional state. 

Lesson 6

Environment is but our Looking Glass

Your results in life are a direct reflection of how perceive yourself, in secret. You will adjust your self-image to feel and act as your quantum self.  

Lesson 7

Trample the Terror Barrier

Going after a big goal is exciting and also scary. You will learn how to keep building on the momentum, breaking through that terror barrier. You master this, you will never ever permit fear to hold you back in your life.  

Lesson 8

The Power of Praxis

You can achieve the success you desire only when you believe you are worthy of that success and you act in alignment with that belief. You will learn to marry your belief with your behaviour and really nail down your newly upgraded operating system.

Lesson 9


Attitude is everything in life. Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude toward us. You will develop a bulletproof attitude, so that you surf through life, its highs and the lows, with poise, elegance and grace. A winner's attitude.

Lesson 10

The Most Valuable Person

You can't lead others if you don't understand and lead yourself first. As you unlock your potential and really understand human behaviour, you will become a more heart-centric, empathetic and dynamic leader who easily inspires and motivates others. 

Lesson 11

Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase

Emphasises giving with no expectation of return. You will be encouraged to do more and give more than expected. You will authentically value and appreciate yourself, your loved ones, your colleagues and your clients. That's an ethic that will serve you very well, professionally and personally. 

Lesson 12

Magnifying the Mind

Other programs show how to make incremental changes. This program lays out the steps for a quantum leap leading to a dramatic acceleration in performance. You will learn how many of the world's most successful people magnify their impact. 

Client Success Story

"Effortless unstoppable momentum, inner peace and calm”

case study

Meet Parul Malhotra, Your Spiritual Leadership and High Performance Mentor

I believe your Life is a gift that you deserve to enjoy to the fullest. 

I am committed to helping you tap your unique gifts and talents, become more prosperous, and enjoy a life that reflects your vision and values. 


So many wins, some shockingly 'impossible' successes in my career, and a closer bond with my family. This is magic. I know now that everything is possible. The sky is the limit.



Scaling up to my 7-figure business, future-proofing myself today, while earning more, working fewer hours and being a magnet to dream clients. It feels like magic! Parul is the real deal.



Meeting Parul and Thinking Into Results has been life-changing. Rapidly building my dream team, attracting dream partners, enjoying explosive traction on social media, choosing paths I never would have gone down before…I am loving becoming a more powerful voice for women and the LBTQ community.



Most start-ups will fail. Not me! From a successful professional to a smooth transition into launching my own coaching business, applying TIR is choosing to make success simple, consistent and predictable using science. Get this insurance policy".



I used to have wealth blockers that I didn't even realise. I am on track now for my financial goals and I am permanently free from substance abuse for the very first time.



The hurdles I was facing are gone. I have achieved two of my biggest goals (dreams). TIR has come as God's gift in my life. All because of Bob and Parul. Keep applying it, it is miraculous.



Your Success is Priceless!

Level Up Your Energy. Level Up Your Business. Permanently


We offer easy pay plans, family and corporate mentorship packages, and special incentives.


$8000 ($1,000 saving)

We offer family and corporate mentorship packages and special incentives.

“Successful people make decisions very fast and change them very slow, if and when they change them at all.”

Napoleon Hill

Will This Program Work for Me?

Frequently Asked Questions about Thinking Into Results™️

Who has created Thinking Into Results?

Bob Proctor is globally acknowledged as the Master Thinker. In 1961, he was a high-school drop-out and in debt as a 26 year old. In one year, without any formal education or business experience, he was earning $175,000 per year. He spent most of the rest of his life first understanding and then teaching millions why his results changed so dramatically. 

Bob studied the human mind and human potential till his last breath; and he embodied service, abundance, and gratitude. TIR is his legacy to the world – the science of goal-achieving, the science of success and behavioral psychology all masterfully curated into a simple formula. TIR is based on God's laws/the laws of the Universe and the quantum shifts happen because these laws are the laws that govern energy – you! You align with the laws, and you will experience flow instead of resistance.

You will serve and lead, get rich and live a rich, fulfilling life, doing what you love doing, being you. 

Sandy Gallagher had always been different from most people she knew – a top-of-her-class banking attorney, equity partner at two prestigious firms and a well respected name in Wall Street circles by the time she was 43. But she could never tell people why she was doing well. She was an unconscious competent. A seminar of Bob’s in 2006 helped her understand why she was the way she was. 

That seminar also changed the course of Sandy’s life. She had always resisted conforming, she was a trailblazer in her own right but now for the first time, it dawned on her that she was being an extra in her own movie, successful and yet unfulfilled; somewhere deep within, trying to measure up to what she believed were other people’s expectations of her.

Sandy chose to become the star of her movie…but first she did what Bob asked her to do. She fantasised about what her life would be if she was doing what she loved to do, and doing it to the best of her ability every day. 

Soon after, Bob and Sandy co-founded the Proctor Gallagher Institute and remained close friends, and business partners until Bob passed on in February 2022. Sandy pulled together all of Bob’s experience and knowledge to create Thinking Into Results, his elite mentorship programme, a learning system that individuals, small and medium businesses, non-profits, and leaders in Fortune 500 companies around the world have benefited from, to accomplish great things in their life.

Bob and Sandy have studied success as the scientific discipline that it is, and you will be mentored for life, by not just these two incredible human beings but by 500 of the world’s most creative, inventive, path breaking and impactful geniuses on how to think and how to translate your ideas into inspired action and exciting results. 

All it takes for a quantum leap is a committed decision that you deserve to live your best life. Today.

What do you do?

See me as your training wheels. 

I am a product of TIR. I have been mentored by Bob to support you through this beautiful system as you apply it. 

I study and apply TIR to my life every day.

My personal experience with this programme and my ongoing spiritual mentorship with a Buddhist grandmaster, my neuroscience training, and energy healing training are all powerful complements to Bob’s and Sandy’s video lessons. 

Bob and Sandy’s and my message are the same – believe in us and choose to experience your life changing magnificently. 

We too are looking forward to learning from you and your life experience. 

Is this material mine for life?

Absolutely. The formula is yours to master forever. See it as a family heirloom. See it as a blue chip stock. 

Our mastermind is a safe space to learn how to apply it to your life. But even beyond, we will all more than likely become friends, partners and collaborators. 

That's how it tends to play out.

What makes TIR unique?

It is a system for success that you can apply for any goal – financial, health, business, career, or relationship. A system is exciting because a system by definition is both, replicable and transferable.

The ‘mindset’ piece is truly revelatory because you will experience for yourself that success is often not about working harder, or “reaching out” for something, but about re-arranging what’s already there through simple, precise, counter-intuitive, and imperfect action.

Plus, I do not believe that there is any other goal-achieving mindset mentorship that will help you unlock the creative genius within you. Your ideas and inspired action on them will blow you away. 

Expect your fantasy vision for your life to become grander within months, feel the bliss, and note the evidence of your own results to prove to you that you are on track to living that life. 

Can you guarantee results?

The law of cause and effect is precise – you reap exactly what you sow. You choose your goal and you rewire your mind to achieve that goal. 

If you are committed to working on the plan and following the system, you’ll see the results. Fast. 

So yes, I absolutely can. 

It has for millions around the world, and you are no different – in terms of potential and the mind that you are gifted with. 

When you learn to live by this system, you will find that it exceeds your highest expectations by a mile and then some.

Our community calls this way of Being as being High on Life.

You only need to decide that you’re worthy of everything that Life has to offer to you. 

To make this a no-brainer, I am offering you 100% of your investment back within 3 weeks of enrolment into this mentorship programme, should you feel that we are not a good fit for each other. That can happen, and I am relaxed about it. 

But if you’ve come this far, I do encourage you to listen to your inner voice and come in with full faith.

How long before I see results?

I can’t say unless we connect and I better understand where you are at so I’d suggest a clarity call. But most people experience calm confidence, inner peace, and a feeling of having ‘come home' within 7 days. 

For many of us, our world took less than 28 days to change significantly. I would give it a full three months to lock into your new, high-performance mindset and experience confidence, clarity, and momentum. 

I am already successful. Do I need this?

You do, if you want to :

  • Feel the stress of running your successful business melt away;  
  • Experience financial security and freedom. 
  • Create wealth with ease and grace and flow, through a fast-changing external environment, 
  • Use that wealth as a channel for the impact you want to make. 
  • Transfer your learnings to your sales, and leadership teams and create a dynamite powerhouse out of your organization.
  • Share the learnings with your family and enjoy them like you never have before.
  • Or if you are being called for a second or third act at this stage in your life.

So yes, if there's a longing for more, it's because you are done with status quo.

What if I am not in the right headspace for it?

I truly hear you. All I would say is that I also was not in a good place when I started. I healed and then I grew.

If you’re experiencing an ending, a loss, or immeasurable pain, the opposite is right round the corner. It’s probably staring you in the face.

The pain reveals its purpose. The gains follow the losses. It’s the Law of Polarity. Let it play out.

Come join our community, align with the Universal laws and Life will not feel like the punishment it does currently.

Recommit to your purpose, ask boldly and allow yourself to receive.

Learn how to surf the waves of Life, it’s a pretty useful insurance policy going forward. 

Can I learn and earn?

Absolutely. Once signed up, you will be able to join my affiliate programme and earn up to 33% in shared revenue. I’d love to share more if you’re interested. 

Wall of Love
Wall of love

Unlock the Divine Millionaire Within

Prime your mind and believe in yourself